Hazardous Waste Removal EPOXY


Hazardous Waste Removal: EPOXY

  • Go to: Waste Pick Requests
    • Select the Request Waste Removal Form
    • Generator: Nick/me
    • PI: Ulrich
    • The pickup location is autofilled in (B&H 703)
    • Waste type: not specified
    • Physical state: solid
    • Detailed description/comments: 2 part epoxies used in module assembly and prototyping along with containers and materials used when handling the epoxy
    • Total containers = 1, 5 gallon bucket
    • Then fill out the specific epoxies info exactly how it is filled out on the orange hazardous waste card
      • The units are in percentages (retails, simpleform, percent)
      • Description: the name of the epoxy
    • Submit the form
  • Fill out the Orange Hazardous waste card and tape it to the bucket
    • The orange cards are in the anti-room in the cubby on the black table
      • If we run out John Lee from the stockroom has more
    • Toxic = yes, corrosive = yes
Name Estimated total (%)
Polytec 601-LV 45
Polytec TC-437 45
Sylgard 186 5
Loctite EAE-05 MR (EO-5 MR Hysole) 5
  • Tape the hazardous waste card to the bucket’s lid
  • Place the bucket into the red bin in the anti-room
  • H&S will come and take the trash bag from the bucket